Best Approaching Tips – How to Approach a Girl – First up, there is no 100% perfect system for how to approach a girl. Fortunately there are very good methods with are discussed below.
As you are getting a handle on your approach anxiety, you will probably want to know how to approach a girl correctly without getting blown out.
Remember, when approaching a girl you are almost always going to be bigger, taller and stronger. So you have to understand that some girls, especially the smaller ones are going to be intimidated if you come straight up to them and are only 1 foot away from her facing directly towards her.
Mirror her interest level with your body language
Here are the only four scenarios to remember
- If she is not fully facing you (feet pointing towards you, face looking at you, body turned towards you), then do not fully face her.
- If she is fully facing you (feet pointing towards you, face looking at you, body turned towards you), then you should fully face her.
- If she is not fully facing you (feet pointing towards you, face looking at you, body turned towards you) and you fully face her, then you will lose value.
- If she is fully facing you (feet pointing towards you, face looking at you, body turned towards you) and you are not doing the same back to her, then she will feel like you do not really like her.
When you do approach, you need to have an equal or slightly higher energy level than her (group).
Too high and you will become a dancing monkey, something girls are not attracted to.
Too low and you will bring down the vibe of the group (something they definitely don’t want).
It takes some time before you figure out how to approach a girl without getting the cold shoulder.
It takes practice and a few blowouts to figure out how high or low your energy level should be.
ALSO READ: How to Get a Girl to Like You (MUST READ)
What you say is important
There is a myth in the pick up and seduction community that 93% of what you say to a girl in non-verbal.
It’s just not true.
What you say matters.
Whether it’s an opinion opener, situational opener, direct opener or social opener it must be something that hooks the girls attention.
Opening direct is very different to opening indirect
When you open direct, you are fully facing the girl (feet pointing towards her, face looking at her, body turned towards her). Your opener is along the lines of,
“Hey, I saw you and you looked cute, I had to come talk to you, I’m [Pick Up Artist]”
Opening indirect is different.
Your body language is turned away from the girl, you are acting indifferent to her and your opener is neutral,
“Hey, I need an opinion on something, what’s the best way to tell a girl you just want to be friends?”
A general rule of thumb is that you want to open direct when either you or the girl has a legitimate time constraint.
If you have more time, it is better to open indirect as it allows you more time to build attraction.
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this is a great suprising