I got back from a meeting over the weekend only to discover that water wasn’t running from all the taps at home not even a drop of it.
My home was a mess, the children complained they haven’t done much because there was no water.
In anger, I went to sleep. I got up by 5pm and everywhere was still in the state I left it. I told myself, you don’t sleep over a problem, you don’t talk about a problem , you face it.
I spoke harshly to my daughter that they could have found an alternative while I was asleep. “We don’t know where to get water from” she exclaimed , we have gone everywhere but no luck.
Apparently, we forgot to pump water in the last one week and now we are paying dearly for it.
I told them we should all get buckets and go out. As embarrassing as it was, we had to face it. We desperately needed water. I told them “IF YOU DON’T MOVE, THINGS WON’T HAPPEN.”
As I stepped down the stairs, I saw a neighbour who told me of her own ordeal too. Apparently, we were not the only ones affected.
She said she could get some boys to help us but we have to pay. Sure there’s always a price tag when you are careless. Of course, I didn’t have a choice.
As we were negotiating, I saw the caretaker whom I lamented about the water issue come in. He held me by the hand and said “Madam, what you are looking for in Sokoto is in your Sokoto”
To our amazement there was a FULL tank of reserved water just behind the house in cases of emergencies like the one we faced that morning.
To think we sat down all day waiting for water, only to discover we had it all the while was quite painful. To think we would have paid for what was free was even more shocking to me. What if we didn’t get up at that instance to look for water, we probably would have missed him because he seldom comes over.
What if we still stood still and didn’t move to look for what we desperately needed.
We fetched water until we had all our drums filled… Enough to last us the weekend.
This week, I implore you to MAKE THAT MOVE because there is a reservoir waiting just right behind you.
It’s time to stop talking and MOVE.
You still have time while you can. You will be amazed, what you are about to discover.
Have a blessed week.
Written by Dr Kenny Akins